
The bacteria that live inside us (the gut microbiota) form a complex and diverse ecosystem as a forest in summer. There are more than 500 species of bacteria - the dominant and the dominated - which all interact with each other. The balance is as fragile as that of the jungle and it even has the same ability to slowly regenerate after a fire (or a course of antibiotics). As such, a balanced bacterial ecosystem is essential for good health.

Discovering the microbiota through this book is like coming across bacteria that are good for us, as, contrary to popular belief, of all the bacteria that are harmful to humans, only a few can actually be found inside our bodies. Better understanding of the gut microbiota is very important in terms of knowing how to take care of your health.

Obesity, digestive health, behaviour, brain, probiotics and disease are just some of the key words found in the book. We hope it provides answers to questions you may sometimes ask...and others you have yet to consider! 

Along with the text, Jerome Cloup’s drawings are a humorous illustration of Dr. Gérard Corthier and Katrine Leverve’s work.

How to read this eBook


Chapter 1 : I want to know all about the microbiota

Chapter 2 : I want to know all about bacteria

Chapter 3 : I want to know why babies are born without microbiota

Chapter 4 : I want to know about the effects microbiota have on my health

Chapter 5 : I want to know about the bacteria added to our food

Chapter 6 : I want to know all about probiotics

Addendum : I want to know even more about the microbiota

Glossary : I want to know the definitions of the highlighted words


Editeur : K'Noë

Auteur(s) : Gérard Corthier, Katrine Leverve

Collection : Un livre pour comprendre mon corps

Niveau : Débutant

Publication : 24 août 2015

Edition : 1ère édition

Intérieur : Couleur

Support(s) : eBook [ePub]

Contenu(s) : ePub

Protection(s) : Marquage social (ePub)

Taille(s) : 12,7 Mo (ePub)

Langue(s) : Anglais

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9786000063337

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